Carolyn Coyle



B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

M.S. Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Quantification of Radiative Heat Transfer Effects in High-Temperature Liquid-Salts:

Liquid salt systems have typical operating temperatures above 600C. Because thermal radiation scales approximately as T4, its effects begin to become important in this temperature range. Under higher-temperature off-normal conditions, radiative heat transfer can become a major mechanism of heat transfer. To better understand these effects, I am working on:

  1. Developing methodology and measuring the extinction coefficients of candidate liquid-salts in the near to mid infrared wavelengths.
  2. Performing experiments to directly measure the radiative contribution to heat transfer in several liquid-salts between 600-1000C.
  3. Creating a CFD model, validated with experimental results, to predict performance.